The KIKA Method®: Passive Stretching for Flexibility, Relaxation, and Wellness
The KIKA Method® is a form of assisted stretching that helps to alleviate stress, pain, and discomfort. The method was developed by Hakika DuBose from Kika Stretch Studios. Hakika is a trained professional dancer and actor. She developed the system through her experience having spent years taking part in performances. The KIKA Method® is simple and the studio has clients ranging from active sports participants to octogenarians. Currently, the oldest client is 85 years old.
The KIKA Method® is a passive form of stretching where an external force moves the limb into position. In active stretching, you use your own muscle to move from one position to the desired pose. However, with the KIKA Method®, a coach does all the movements while you lay on a mat.
One difference with the KIKA Method compared to other techniques is that gravity is used to keep the limbs in position. This method does not require the use of tables or straps. The straps do not let the muscles retract to their natural position.
According to Hakika Dubose owner of Power Stretch Studios, most people’s bodies develop a “cast” based on their day to day activities. People who work on a desk may sit hunched forward. She says these problems can be avoided if we make a habit of adopting a better posture while walking or working at a desk.
The KIKA Method helps clients release tension from the muscles which leads to a reduction of pain and discomfort. Hakika also points out that it is usually only a set of muscles that need to be conditioned to relax. It is possible to determine the set of muscles that form the “cast” through one’s day to day activities. For people whose job entails lifting objects, lower back pain is quite common.
This system has many advantages for your overall health. It helps release tension from the muscles which leaves you with a sense of physical well being. Stretching and adopting the right posture has been shown to be helpful in reducing fatigue and increasing mental alertness.
If you are an athlete, it will also help you reduce the risk of injury. Stretching helps warm up the muscles and promote the flow of blood. The stretching reduces the chances of lactic acid buildup. It manages the level of hormones in the body which also facilitates a sense of well being. Without the soreness and fatigue, it will be easier for you to face your next intense workout with confidence.
The nature of the KIKA Method® is that it requires one-on-one coaching sessions, which is what you can expect to get from Kika Stretch Studios. Ms. DuBose, the owner of Kika Stretch Studios, has extensive training in dance, personal coaching, advance anatomy as well as other forms of training such as the Alexander technique and Laban movement analysis. The instructors at Kika are thoroughly trained in coaching these techniques. If you are experiencing fatigue, pain, or discomfort in your body, the KIKA Method® is a simple technique that can effectively reduce tension and improve flexibility.
The great news? KIKA has hired Franchise Marketing Systems to put together the franchise platform and to grow the KIKA Stretch brand into new markets. For more information on the unique stretching fitness franchise model, visit the corporate site: